
JCRC Statement Supporting Massachusetts Governor’s Plan to Host Migrant Children

Today, JCRC stood with Governor Patrick in support of his plans for Massachusetts to host migrant children, many of whom have left Central America. The details of the request are being worked out, but the Governor has committed to working with federal officials to find a humane solution.

“Our faith and values implore us to welcome and treat the stranger with dignity,” said Jeremy Burton, Executive Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council.  “Our Jewish experience is filled with examples of being turned away, both here and abroad.  However, our survival and ability to thrive has been based on those communities who have welcomed us with open arms, and it is that spirit which continues to inspire.”

“This is yet another example of the importance of raising our voices to our leaders in Washington to demand that they come together and pass fair and sensible comprehensive immigration reform legislation,” said Jill Goldenberg, President of the Board of the JCRC