  • Upcoming Event

  • 26 Jun

  • AJC, ADL, CJP and JCRC Call on MBTA to Desist in Display of Hostile Advertisement

    ADL, AJC, CJP and JCRC jointly call upon the MBTA to immediately comply with their Advertising Standards and desist from displaying a hostile advertisement which is demeaning and disparaging to Israel, Israelis and Jews currently in display at some stations.

    The ad combines the image of a child with language, including the words “violence” “Israel’s Military” and “Kill”, to unequivocally elicit anger from viewers. At a time when Jews and Israelis around the world are facing mounting violence and anti-Semitism, this false and deceptive advertisement can only be construed as hostile and dangerously provocative. There is no doubt that the juxtaposition of images and words in this advertisement demeans and disparages Israel, Israeli’s and Jews in violation of current MBTA Advertising Standards.

    We call upon the MBTA to honor its own advertising standards and to desist from what appear to be content based preferences that can only enhance danger in an already volatile environment.