
JCRC is led by volunteers who participate in committees and in other leadership roles. JCRC has two primary leadership structures, the Board and the Council.

The JCRC Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing JCRC’s programs as well as its annual budget and other financial matter. It is comprised of 24 members elected by the Council, our past presidents, and up to two individuals appointed by the President.

The Council is responsible for JCRC’s International and Domestic policies and positions in which JCRC publicly advocates in the name of the Jewish community. It also is responsible for JCRC’s participation in the annual resolution process of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA). The Council is comprised of representatives of JCRC’s 39 member organizations, the JCRC Board, and a certain number of “community representatives” (based on the number of Board members and member organization representatives). Community representatives are recommended each year by the nominating committee and elected at the Annual Meeting. Each member organization is assigned a number of representatives between 1-3 based on their size and activity in the community.

Board of Directors

JCRC is led by volunteers who participate in committees and in other leadership roles. JCRC has two primary leadership structures, the Board and the Council.

The Board is responsible for overseeing JCRC’s programs as well as its annual budget and other financial matter. It is comprised of 24 members elected by the Council, our past presidents, and up to two individuals appointed by the President.

The Council is responsible for JCRC’s International and Domestic policies and positions in which JCRC publicly advocates in the name of the Jewish community. It also is responsible for JCRC’s participation in the annual resolution process of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA). The Council is comprised of representatives of JCRC’s 43 member organizations, the JCRC Board, and a certain number of “community representatives” (based on the number of Board members and member organization representatives). Community representatives are recommended each year by the nominating committee and elected at the Annual Meeting. Each member organization is assigned a number of representatives between 1-3 based on their size and activity in the community.

Executive Committee

Frank Litwin

Vice Presidents
Catharyn Gildesgame
Andrew Zelermyer

Ed Kutchin

Michael Tauer

Scott Gilefsky

Risa Shames

Board of Directors

David Abromowitz
Debby Belt

Barbara Berke
Lisa Conti

Seth Gitell

Jeff Goodman

Martha Golub
Samantha Joseph
Dena Kowaloff

Sarah Perry

Lon Povich

Steve Segal

Shiri Segev

Daniel Serfaty

Adam Suttin

Kathy Weinman

Sean Wilder

Past Presidents

Stacey Bloom*
Michael Bohnen
Susan A. Calechman
Bill Gabovitch
Scott Gilefsky*
Jill Goldenberg
Geoffrey Lewis
Joel M. Reck
Stuart T. Rossman
James W. Segel
Donald J. Siegel
Kenneth A. Sweder
Adam Suttin
Justin Wyner

*voting members

JCRC Community Representatives

Jonathan Abbett
Monica Arkin
Carrie Benedon
Jordan Berg-Powers
Howard Brick
Representative Simon Cataldo
Margie Ross Decter
Ben Flax
Mark Friedman
Suzi Fuld
Nicole Gann
Jonathan Golden
Alex Goldstein
Elizabeth Goldstein
David Goldstone
Martha Golub
Dr. Jacki Hart
Fredie Kay
Jonathan Klein
Miriam May
Bryan Panzano
Melissa Patrick
Ben Pearlman
Leah Robins
Rebecca Sendor-Israel
Mel Shuman
Isaac Silberberg
Mitch Silver
Laurel Sgan Kibel
Marti Soffer
Phillip Vedol
Adena Walker
Pamela Weil
Kristofer Wilson