  • Upcoming Event

  • 26 Jun

  • A Not-So-Hostile Takeover | A Message from the Chairs of JCRC Celebrates

    As members of the Board of JCRC, we have the utmost respect for Jeremy Burton and hold him in the highest esteem, but even he deserves a break from his weekly message! So, while you may have opened this email looking for biblical parallels in current events or an analysis of how your favorite superhero’s story reflects society’s values, we are pleased to report that Jeremy is in Israel on JCRC’s Community Leaders Study Tour and we are staging a not-so-hostile takeover of the Friday message to tell you about JCRC Celebrates: The Strength of Community, and why you’ll want to be there with us on September 15th.

    We are proud to be chairs of an event that promises to be like no other in JCRC’s history. In a time when our country is so divided in its political landscape, on Thursday, September 15th, we’ll pause to enjoy each other’s company and put the unity back in community. Yes, we know that’s kind of corny, but you’ll feel it in the room as we hear our friend Josh Kraft, President and CEO of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston, speak about the strength of a diverse community. We’ll challenge friends new and old to friendly and fun table games, like billiards, air hockey, and more; we’ll toast our community and our shared values; and we’ll present you with extraordinary auction, raffle, and other prizes. Stay tuned for teasers, but watch our corporate sponsor list grow for clues!

    We both feel so fortunate to be a part of our diverse Jewish kehilllah. The multitude of viewpoints and experiences we bring to the table are often dramatically divergent; yet, time and again we leave our differences behind to come together for the causes of shared concern, pride, and celebration. After all, we accomplish so much as a community that we deserve to celebrate!

    Because we are truly passionate about JCRC’s mission, it’s especially important to us that this event is a roaring success. In the spirit of coming together, the early bird rate has been extended until August 15th. We hope to see you there

    Shabbat Shalom,

    Ben Pearlman, Chair                             Georgi Vogel Rosen, Co-chair