  • Upcoming Event

  • 26 Jun

  • CJP and JCRC Statement on Violence and Bigotry in Charlottesville

    We are heartbroken and outraged by the events in Charlottesville, VA this weekend. We join with the many of our member organizations who have already condemned both the violence perpetrated, and the message of racism, anti-semitism and other xenophobic views we heard today.

    We are dismayed by the response of the President. This is, as the American Jewish Committee said today, “a time for moral clarity.” Condemning “hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides” blurs the truth and gives a pass to neo-Nazi perpetrators. We join with our national network, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, in calling on President Trump to unequivocally condemn the white nationalist marchers and their movement.

    We pray that calm will be restored, and that all people of good will can come together in confronting hate and bigotry in all its forms. We mourn the loss of life and we pray for those injured today.

    We can and must be better than this.