Volunteer at Hebrew SeniorLife:
Hebrew SeniorLife needs volunteers to take shifts on their eight different campuses to perform onsite screening temperature checks. The sites are located in Brookline, Roslindale, Revere, Dedham, Canton, and Randolph. Protective gear will be provided, along with appropriate safety training. Prospective, healthy volunteers who are comfortable with physical proximity should contact Lynda Bussgang. Sign up for the Yachad buddy program!
This is an inclusive opportunity to connect and socialize with a peer for ~20 minutes once a week! Once you sign up for this program, we will match up Yachad members and volunteers to be buddies and they can then connect over the phone or online when they chose. Yachad supports individuals with disabilities and special needs. The buddy system uses an app that provides an alternative to sharing phone numbers and promotes the privacy of the volunteers. Questions? Contact Yakira at