  • Upcoming Event

  • 26 Jun

  • Gratitude in Challenging Times

    These have been a difficult few weeks. Our hearts have been heavy as we follow tragic events and learn of suffering in the world and at home. The terrorism that has impacted so many lives hit particularly close to home last week for the Boston Jewish community as we lost one of our own children, Ezra Schwartz, z’l.
    This weekend, as we celebrate Thanksgiving, let us take a moment and a few days to appreciate the blessings in our lives: that we are fortunate for the community we have and the loved ones who enrich our days; that we are blessed to live in one of the most bountiful nations in the history of the world.
    We are surrounded by opportunity and we have the ability to make the world better than it is today – for all the world’s children.

    Happy Thanksgiving and Shabbat Shalom,
