  • Upcoming Event

  • 26 Jun

  • JCRC April 2019 Newsletter


    GO: Yom HaShoah Community Commemoration on May 5 at 2pm: This year’s commemoration will center on the transmission of memory from survivors to generations to come and will feature testimony from Holocaust survivor Janet Singer Applefield and her daughter Deb Milley.

    ACT: GBJCL/TELEM Literacy Mitzvah Project: 
    Looking for a meaningful bar or bat mitzvah project? Our program gives 7th and 8th graders the opportunity to build relationships with students at local public schools and support them through author visits and book donations.

    GO: CHAI South Area Mitzvah Day on April 7: Join TELEM at the Evelyn House family shelter for cooking lasagna & banana bread and cleaning/landscaping an outdoor playground area.


    JOIN: Virtual Israel News Briefing Post Israeli Elections on April 17: with Director of Israel Engagement Eli Cohn-Postell.

    GO: Promoting A Shared Society in Israel:
    An Evening with Mohammed Darawshe
    who will share the efforts of the Boston Partners for Peace partner org Givat Haviva to build a shared future.


    GO: A Public Reading of the Letter from the Birmingham Jail on April 16:

    Join Boston Mountaintop, JCRC, and 30+ Boston-area non-profits at a public reading of Dr. King’s letter: “We wish to create an inclusive Boston that calls upon its full diversity and commitment to justice, truth and racial reconciliation.”