
JCRC Supports AJRC on events in Argentina

We wish to voice in the clearest terms our disquiet and alarm at the events and public discourse that have dominated Argentina in the wake of the tragic death of Prosecutor Alberto Nisman.

We join our voices to those of individuals, institutions, countries and leaders who call for a full, transparent, and independent investigation of the death of Alberto Nisman. We believe that without the utmost transparency, no vital trust in Argentina’s public institutions may be restored.

Prosecutor Alberto Nisman dedicated the last ten years of his life to the investigation of the unspeakable blast of the AMIA (Argentinean Jewish Assistance Association) building. We consider him to be one more victim of the terror attack that killed 85 innocent people 20 years ago and continues to be unsolved. We support any initiative that might assist or act to enable the judicial system of Argentina to finally bring justice to the AMIA tragedy and to clarify prosecutor Nisman’s passing. The citizens of Argentina demand and deserve to know all the truth, to see all those responsible being put to justice, and to finally resolve and close these dark chapters of their shared lives.

We deplore the state of insecurity and uncertainty that has dominated the lives of Argentineans around Prosecutor Nisman’s announced presentation to Congress and all the more as a result of his, as yet unexplained, tragic death.

Finally, we condemn the increasing number of anti-Semitic pronouncements and acts in Argentina, which lead to an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty for its many thousands of Jewish citizens.  Anti-Semitic acts of any kind should be condemned and punished by the authorities to prevent further occurrences and educate about their devastating effects.

Alberto Limonic
AJRC Founding Chair

Miguel Lessing
AJRC Chair  

Supporting organizations:
