
Keep Congress focused on the Iranian nuclear challenge

A version of this message was sent to JCRC’s Council today.

The end of this month will bring a deadline for presenting the framework of a diplomatic agreement on Iran’s nuclear ambitions.  I don’t need to tell you that the next several weeks are a critical moment for us to make our voices heard. Right now it is vital that every member of our Congressional delegation hear from as many members of our community as possible.

We need to tell Congress that we support a diplomatic solution that leads to a good deal if possible. We need to say – without delay – that we support the President’s efforts to achieve this, and that JCRC’s support includes our call for our Senators to increase pressure for a good deal by showing their support for the threat of new sanctions if negotiations fail. We need to make sure as many members of our community as possible are having conversations with our delegation about these negotiations.

As I wrote last week, a member of Congress told me that one positive of all the recent politics on this issue is that in the past other nuclear proliferation agreements didn’t get the congressional scrutiny they deserved. This time, he said, will be different. I am writing to you because while this may be true, we still need to do our job.

Many of our member organizations have taken public action to mobilize their own constituents this week.  I share with you this message that CJP President Barry Shrage sent out today. Within his message are links to resources from AIPAC and to this action alert from AJC Boston. ADL New England also sent an action alert on this subject this week.

With thanks for all your leadership in this crucial moment,

Jeremy Burton

p.s. We want to know what our member organizations are doing at this time. Please let JCRC know what actions your organization has or is planning to take in the coming weeks to get your members to contact the Massachusetts Congressional delegation and we’ll make sure to mention these efforts by our members in future updates.