
In the past three months, we’ve grappled with the impact of the pandemic on our society, as well as the economic fallout. Even as our incredible team of professionals continues to lead and serve our community, the realities of this moment have forced us to make difficult decisions. While our community and our stakeholders continue to support JCRC with extraordinary generosity, we are realistic in our expectations that our next fiscal year will bring additional challenges as the economic impact of these times continues to be felt by us all. Therefore, we have made the painful but unavoidable decision to suspend some aspects of our work, in order to continue to best serve our community. With heavy hearts, we have made the difficult decision to suspend all of our Jewish teen and young adult engagement programs, including TELEM. TELEM is an important part of the JCRC story and are of great pride to us and our community. We are incredibly proud of the over 10,000 Jewish teens whose Jewish identity was informed by the service they provided our community through TELEM over the last 15 years. This was achieved by our exceptionally dedicated staff and partners, whose commitment to service propelled them to give their all to this work.

This decisions were not made quickly or lightly. They entailed a detailed examination of our finances and operations in order to best position JCRC for the challenges that lay ahead and ensure its strength to meet the future.
Please contact Emily Reichman, Director of Service Initiatives, with any questions.

We encourage you to reach out to Boston Cares for volunteer opportunities.