
Sharing our 2019 Impact Report

Each week, I use this message to convey a sense of the challenges that face us as a community and share the many ways that we at JCRC address them. This week, as we prepare for Passover, I am delighted to share our 2019 Impact Report with you. Here you can view in one place, the many ways in which your support has enabled us to raise our voices and deepen our partnerships to combat antisemitism, bigotry, and hatred in all forms, stand with immigrants and our most vulnerable neighbors, promote peace for Israel, and engage our community in service.
I am grateful to you for your support – by listening to us, providing your wise counsel, sharing what we do, volunteering with us, and donating to us. Because of you, we are able to rise to today’s challenges, not only by preparing for crises and ensuring that Jewish institutions have the means to stay secure, but also by engaging our community in myriad opportunities to act on our Jewish values by pursuing justice for our neighbors and ourselves. And in the last few weeks, when faced with the Coronavirus crisis, we were able to pivot quickly, mobilizing our community in response to urgent needs through our #TakingActionStayingConnected campaign, both within our community and beyond.
Through years of relationship building, we’ve been able to develop the trust to engage in critically important conversations and leverage our collective power to achieve goals more ambitious than any of us could ever accomplish on our own. We have rolled up our sleeves to tackle the thorniest challenges facing Greater Boston together, be it the ever-growing divisions over how best to connect with and support Israel or the increasing threats against our immigrant neighbors.
To continue and expand upon this important work, I hope you will consider participating in our “Fund a Need” campaign. Your sustained generosity enables us all go from strength to strength.
Shabbat shalom – and wishing you and yours a healthy and safe Passover,


Jeremy Burton
JCRC Executive Director